domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009


* Compare the first writtne document you produced (email to teacher) and your last composition.

Well, sincerelly I think that my writting has improved a lot and I'm happy to see how I progressed in this two years in Batxillerat. Maybe the madurity is better than before, it can be a condition of the "years" or time, everyone is in constant improving in that point. then there are other points that has influenced in my writting. For example the blog, the compositions that we did in class... The last writting that I did was in the final exam of the course.

At first I did a lot of mistakes of grammar and propositions, and now I only do about prepositions and there aren't to many mistakes about grammar.

* Compare your first oral presentation and your final oral presentation.

The first oral presentation I did was very diferent than the last oral presentation that I did, my level has improved, but not only to talk in English, but the way I can express myself in English infront of other people. I got nervous at the first oral presentation but in the lastone I was more relaxed, I could express very well( I think) and I answered with a very good fluency the questions of the students. My pronuntation has improved too, because It has been very important to get good mark. My mark hadn't been very high in the two oral presentations but I'm so happy to know that I passed the two (H).

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