domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2008

Opinion essay

Nowadays the computers are the newest tecnology and the future of our society. Computer had been the revolution of our society, and thanks of them we can evolutionate our tecnology faster than ever we can imaginate.

Computers has been used for humans recently in the history of humans and we can say that it has been the best invent that never has been created in the world.
Comunication, knowladge, games, ... all tecnologies are based in computer programs that need the informatic to work and it has been an advantagde for us. The best example is the NASA, that this assosiaton of USA has been able to send satelites to space and get information to other planets and the machines are a real enginye of head. If tecnologies hadn't never created the computers, Im sure that we would never be able to do a lot of things.

In the way to comodities of our live, we can say that computers has been very important for us, but maybe the people has abused of that, and has converted them in a bad thing. That isn't true, people use them because maybe they have a problem, or they want to spent they time doing that, but the computers has made to get funny only a littles times and at first of all, to work.

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