viernes, 1 de mayo de 2009

Exam writing: Influence of psychologist

Nowadays psychologists have been the best people in our society who have adviced us about personal problems. That's important and I think, necessary for our society. Thought problems can be solved easily or not, but normally they try to safe your mind. I think that they take a lot of working places in our country and that's why we need some studies of the mind before applying for a job, the way of your behaviour is studied too, and the principal goal of the pscycologist, is to make us gain confidence when we have personal problems and don't get crazy about that.
In conclusion, a lot of times we have had problems that have afected us very deeply in our minds and, it's true that maybe the society needs them but I think that if somebody is sad, he could spend this difficult step in his life with the company of one familiar or friend. They are only useful for analizing people, and very hard situations for example a murder, a crazy man, or simply the difficulties of learning a child.

mistake: before + -ing (prepositions are followed by verbs in gerund form)

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